
Керівництво Європейської академії по алергії та клінічній імунології (EAACI) EAACI по алерген імунотерапії

Керівництво Європейської академії по алергії та клінічній імунології (EAACI) EAACI по алерген імунотерапії

Алергії на отруту перетинчастокрилих

Переклад: Безродна O. В., Сукач М. М.
Наукове редагування:
Президент АДАУ, експерт МОЗ України, проф. УманецьТ. Р.


Керівництво Європейської академії по алергії та клінічнії імунології (EAACI) EAACI по ал рген імунотерапії. Алергії на отруту перетинчастокрилих.

Gunter J Sturm1,2, Eva-Maria Varga3, Graham Roberts4, Holger Mosbech5, M. Beatrice Bilò6, Cezmi A Akdis7, Darío Antolín-Amérigo8, Ewa Cichocka-Jarosz9, Radoslaw Gawlik10, Thilo Jakob11,12, Mitja Kosnik13, Joanna Lange14, Ervin Mingomataj15,16, Dimitris I Mitsias17, Markus Ollert18,19, Janneke NG Oude Elberink20,  Oliver  Pfaar21,22, Constantinos Pitsios23, Valerio Pravettoni24, Franziska Ruë 25, Betül Ayşe Sin26, Ioana Agache27,  Elizabeth  Angier28,  Stefania  Arasi29,30,  Moises  A  Calderón31,  Montserrat Fernandez-Rivas32, Susanne Halken33, Marek Jutel34,35, Susanne Lau36, Giovanni B Pajno37, Ronald van Ree38, Dermot Ryan39, Otto Spranger40, Roy Gerth van Wijk41, Sangeeta Dhami42, Hadar Zaman43, Aziz Sheikh44, Antonella Muraro45

Приймали участь у створені

1Department  of Dermatology  and Venerology, Medical University of Graz, Austria

2Outpatient Allergy Clinic Reumannplatz,   Vienna,   Austria

 3Department   of Paediatric and Adolescent Medicine, Respiratory University of Graz, and Allergic Disease Division, Medical Austria

4The David Hide Asthma and Allergy Research Centre, St Mary’s Hospital, Newport,   Isle   of   Wight;

NIHR Biomedical Research Centre,   University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, Southampton, UK; Clinical and Experimental Sciences and Human Development in Health Academic Units, Faculty of Medicine, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK

5Allergy Clinic, openhagen University Hospital Gento e, Denmark

6Allergy Unit, Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital of Ancona, Italy 7Swiss Institute of Allergy and Asthma Research (IAF), University of Zurich, Switzerland

8Servicio de Enfermedades del Sistema Inmune-Alergia. Hospital Universitario Príncipe de Asturias, Departamento de Medicina y Especialidades Médicas, Universidad de Alcalá, adrid, Spain

9Depar ment of Pediatrics, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Krakow, Poland 10Department of Internal Medicine, Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Medical University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland

11Department of Dermatology and Allergology, University Medical Center Gießen and     Marburg     (UKGM),     Justus    Liebig         University Gießen, Germany 12Allergy Research Group, Department of Dermatology, Medical Center – University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany

13University Clin c of Respiratory and Allergic Diseases   Golnik; Medical Faculty Ljubljana, Slovenia

14Department   of Pediatric Pneumonology and Allergy, Medical University of  arsaw, Poland

15Mother Theresa School of     Medicine,    Dept.    of Allergology    &    Clinical    Immunology, Tirana Albania

16Medicine University of Tirana, Faculty of Technical-

Medical Sciences, Department of Paraclinical Disciplines, Tirana, Albania 17Department of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2nd Paediatric Clinic, University of Athens, Greece

18Depar ment of Infection  and  Immunity,  Luxembourg Institute  of  Health  (LIH),  Strassen,   Luxembourg

19Department of Dermatology and Allergy Center, Odense Research Center for Anaphylaxis, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark

20Department of Allergology and Internal  Medicine,  University  of  Groningen,  University  Medical;  Hospital  Groningen  & Groningen    Research    Center    for    Asthma    and COPD (GRIAC), Groningen,    The Netherlands

21Department of     Otorhinolaryngology,     Head     and Neck Surgery, Universitätsmedizin   Mannheim,   Medical  Faculty Mannheim,  Heidelberg University, Germany

22Center for Rhinology Allergology, iesbaden, Germany

23Medical School, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus

24UOC Clinical Allergy and Immunology – IRCCS Foundation Ca’Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico – Milan – Italy

25Klinik und Poliklinik für Dermatologie und Allergologie, Klinikum der Universität München, Munich, Germany

26Department of Pulmonary Diseases, Division of Immunology and Allergy, Faculty of Medicine, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey

27Transylvania University Brasov, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Brasov, Romania

28Department of Immunology and Allergy, Northern General Hospital, She eld, UK 29Department    of    Pediatrics,   Allergy    Unit,    University   of Messina, Messina, Italy

30Molecular Allergology     and Immunomodulation-Department     of Pediatric Pneumology and Immunology, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany 31Section of Allergy and Clinical Immuology, Imperial College London, National Heart and Lung Institute, Royal Brompton Hospital, London United Kindom 32Allergy Department, Hospital Clínico San Carlos, IdISSC, Madrid, Spain

33Hans Christian Andersen Cildren’s Hospital, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark

34Wroclaw Medical University, Wroclaw, Poland

35ALL-MD Medical Research Institute, Wroclaw, Poland

36Deartment of Pediatric Pneumology and Immunology, Charité Universitätsmedizin, Berlin, Germany

37Department     of     Pediatrics,    Allergy     Unit, Universi y     of     Messina, Messina, Italy

38Departments of Experimental Immunology and of Otorhinolaryngology, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The etherlands

39 Usher Institute of Population Health Sciences and Informatics, University of Edinburgh, Edinbu gh, UK

40Austrian Lung Union, Vienna, Austria

41Section of Allergology, Department of Internal Medicine, Erasmus MC Rotterdam, The Netherlands

42Evidence-Based Health Care Ltd, Edinburgh UK

43University of Bradford, School of Pharmacy, UK

44Asthma UK Centre for  Applied  Research,  Usher  Institute  of  Population  Heal h  Sciences  and  Informatics, University of Edinburgh, Einburgh, UK

45Food Allergy Referral Centre Veneto Region Department of Women and Child Health Padua General University Hospital, Italy


Алергія на отруту виду Hymenoptera є потенційно небезпечною для життя алергічною реакцією після укусу бджоли, оси або мурахи. Системні алергічні реакції після укусів повідомляються у 7,5% дорослих та у 3,4% дітей. Вони можуть бути легкими та обмеженими реакцією шкіри або середньоважкими та важкими з ризиком загрожуючої життю анафілаксії.

Алерген імунотерапія інсектна алергія для сайта

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